Established Gram Dukan project under the support of NABARD to sell all types of fishing implements at affordable cost, both beneficial to fishermen and the company. The sale value of Gram Dukan is about Rs.10,00,000/- per month. Because of its success FPO started one more Gram Dukan in neighboring village.
With the support of NABKISAN, FPO Provides Working Capital Support to the members to buy fishing nets and outboard engines and there by provide direct employment about 800 fishermen as on 11.01.2024.
First time in India, our SCF reintroduced handmade fish net by hiring 100 fisher women and providing direct employment.
Attended Chennai day, Sea Weed programme at Chennai and established a Stall during the programme and created a publicity to SCF-FPO.
Purchase of Van, partly supported by NABARD for marketing SCF products is a great help to the FPO.
Now supplying outboard engine to fishermen at reasonable price. Planning to import it either from Japan or Thailand if SCF gets financial support from NABARD and Banks.
Lead production unit in Iyyappanthangal, Chennai is under progress. It will be inaugurated in January itself.