There are more than 3 lakhs marine and inland fisher population spread over 51 marine villages and 63 inland fishermen villages in Kanyakumari district. SCF was incorporated on 28.7.2021 with 13 members with the paid up share capital of Rs.1,00,000/- with the provision of Rs.15,00,000/- as authorized capital.
Because of the coordinated and dedicated efforts of all Directors and the supporting agencies, the membership has been increased to 935 with the share capital of Rs.13,68,000/-. There is a consistent growth in membership, share capital, turn over, employment opportunities and financial leverage of the members and by an large the marginalized community of the district.
It is involved in fish trading, fish net and gears supply at affordable prices, supply of safety equipments , running a lead production units, operating Gram Dukan (Retail out lets), production of value added fish products in collaboration with RYPAX, Tuticorin. Hiring fish net making units for conversion of fish nets of various varieties, reintroduced handmade fish net making by providing more than 100 women in rural villages, promoting fish pickle production, growing of crops, market gardening and horticulture.